4 Benefits Of Vacuum Blasting
It is important to prepare and clean surfaces before metal electroplating and anodising. Techniques such as metal polishing and vacuum blasting can achieve this. Both methods clean and shine metals prior to their plating but this blog will be focussing on the latter. Vacuum blasting is a type of abrasive blasting which involves an abrasive combined with air that is then applied to a surface at high pressures. This achieves a smoother surface to ready the metal for electroplating. An added benefit of vacuum blasting is that it immediately collects and processes dust and dirt. This gives it an added dimension to alternative abrasive blasting techniques.
No dust
Opting for the vacuum blasting method results in a much cleaner workspace. It is no wonder that vacuum blasting is often referred to as dustless blasting. This lack of dust is due to the blasting machine collecting the dust and other dirt during the process. Other abrasive blasting types such as sandblasting release the dirt back into the air. Yet, vacuum blasting manages to combat this and saves the need for a deep clean.
Reusable dust
Not only does vacuum blasting collect dust, but it is also able to process the matter collected so that it is reusable as blasting material. This makes vacuum blasting a far more efficient abrasive blasting technique than the other methods. It is the other methods which lose the blast media as wastage which is then collected manually and can prove to be quite time-consuming.
Better for the environment
It is important to consider environmental impact when undertaking metal surface preparation. This is especially important as environmental concern continues to rise. Alternative abrasive blasting techniques cause more pollution than vacuum blasting. This is due to the blasting process releasing material into the air, which is often harmful to the environment. The collection process that dustless blasting uses results in better environmental performance.
Nearby projects
There is no need to worry about your nearby projects with vacuum blasting. Thanks to the dustless blasting technology, your nearby projects will not get covered in the blast matter. This is likely to occur if using an alternative abrasive blasting method and your other projects are nearby. Using vacuum blasting will result in less disruption to the area and your other projects will remain undisturbed.
For more information about our metal polishing and vacuum blasting services, get in contact with us at Dorsetware. We offer a wide range of electroplating and anodising services. Speak to one of our experts by calling 01202 677939 or filling out our online contact form.